Catalysts B34C are used in MAZDA cars. They are 35 cm long, and their weight is about 0.6 kg. They are symmetrical in shape. What is most characteristic about them is the perforated cover, which can be schematically divided into

The generation and management of electronic waste is one of the most important environmental issues of particular importance in recent decades. Electronic waste is generated at the very beginning of the production of each product with unprocessed raw materials and

Printed circuit boards originated from electrical connection systems developed in the 1850s. Metal strips or rods were originally used to connect large electrical components mounted on wooden bases. Over time, the metal strips were replaced with wires connected to the

The most important and main part of a computer is the system unit, which contains: a system board with its main components - a processor (sometimes called a central processor), main memory, cache, special slots for inserting additional boards and auxiliary

Many different appliances, from dryers to vacuum cleaners, use electricity as an energy source. These electrical devices transform the electrical current they receive through a wall outlet and convert it into another form of energy. For example, your toaster converts

Electronic waste (electronic waste) is one of the fastest growing areas of the international waste stream. According to European Union research, they are growing by around 3-5%. per year or about three times faster than other individual waste streams. Some authors